Blog Entry

Diary Number:7


Daily Summary

I finished my powerpoint for work placement and am happy to say that after presenting it to my director he is happy to have a printable version and will now publish and have it in each of the rooms in the hotel.

Learning & Positive Aspects of the Day

After spending time on the computer and doing the powerpoint I have been able to navigate around it in Spanish albeit very slowly, but mission accomplished.

Challenges Encountered

On taking pictures outside my work placement I was asked again for directions, and this time I was able to tell the people where to go if my directions were incorrect hopefully they will be lost and not able to return to give out to me. I am sure I gave them the correct ones though.


Although I was nervous about presenting my powerpoint to the director, I can say that he seemed impressed, I should not have left it worried me.


As the entrance to the hotel is narrow, and onto the main square, it is quite different to how we would see a hotel in Ireland, it is almost upside down. The main meeting point and restuarant are on the top floor. But after the mighty stair climb, the view is spectacular.

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