Diary Number: 10
Date: 23/11/2018
Daily Summary
Today was my last day in Nova School, I was feeling lonely even on the bus to school. The day started with hugs from everyone. Then we watched the green man which was in English and looked at donation of cloths and sharing. We then went to the hall for Christmas songs practice , the kids brought tears to my eyes singing. Then we did Spanish class with the children where they used mache paper to glue bits to the number two.
The day went so fast at the end I got hugs from the kids again I feel like I know them well now.
I will never forget Granada.
Learning & Positive Aspects of the Day
Learning more Spanish by using google translate. The two weeks have been amazing I really felt welcome by staff and children.
Challenges Encountered
I feel I have found my new lease of life and now have a focus.