We spent the morning visiting a vocational training center situated in a modern building in Barcelos. It offers varied formations such as business studies, healthcare or training for the building sector, areas related to the present needs of companies. This private center is increasing the use of the moodle platform for more and more of its courses. It’s website mention training through videoconference but we received no further explanation on this subject.
In the use of moodle, the trainer goes online at the same time as his students, and they are able to communicate to each other in a written form but not orally. The assessment can be done through the use of multiple choice questions, use of diagrams or text based questions. Forconsulting favor the use of learning in classroom other e-learning beacause of the lack of interaction and also problems in interpreting leading to misunderstandings.
We can describe their use of Moodle as blended learning because the students have to apply their knowledge in a company as part of their training. In a world we’re people are more and more mobile, blended learning seem to fill a need in the education system. #erasmus+ #barcelos