
Week 2

Monday: Start of a new week and feeling very optimistic as I know the running of the center now. It is great to arrive at the door and say good morning to everyone in Spanish and to know there names especially the residents who attend everyday. I go into the kitchen and help with breakfast and the clean up after I then set up the tables for lunch. At 9.30 the first bus arrives and I help bring in some of the residents and assist them with removing their coats and bringing them into the day room. As the morning goes on and I help the OT with the activity of the day which is making a start on costumes for an up coming festival when 11.15 comes I assist the other HCA’s with toileting. I feel like part of the team and this makes me feel proud of myself.

Tuesday: Arrive at the center looking forward to the day ahead I was able to prepare breakfast and hand it out on my own today to the residents being given more responsibility feel good it might only be breakfast but in another country speaking a different language makes me feel like I can do this.

Wednesday: Arrived at 9am and again straight to the kitchen to do breakfast after this the bus arrives and I help with this. One of the gentleman attending the center is not very well today so I stay with him for most of the day to keep an eye on him, this man usually feeds himself but today because he is so unwell I help feed him his meals he is unable to eat much but I get as much as I can into him.

Thursday: We are nearly at the end of our two weeks Erasmus and the weeks have gone by so quickly I am really enjoying my time here and will be sad to leave here tomorrow. The day goes by so quickly I am just doing everything the permanent staff members are doing it’s an amazing experience and one I won’t forget.

Friday: My final day it’s tinged with a little sadness as I know I won’t be back here again. When I went into the kitchen this morning to help with breakfast on resident Maria came straight up to me giving me hugs and kisses and dancing with me it was amazing. As the morning goes by and we do all the usual work that needs doing the time seems to go by much quicker. On Friday’s it’s bingo day so after bingo the staff have arranged for us to have photos with the residents and themselves. We hand over some gifts of appreciation as well as a card just to say a little thank you for having us. To our amazement they also have cards and handmade gifts for us. As we say our goodbyes and get hugs and kisses from everybody at the center it feel like the longest goodbye every but it is hard to leave and I do feel emotional as I have had an amazing experience here and it is one I will never forget I would like to thank them all for having me for the past 2 weeks.

Learning and positive aspects

My first week here was very daunting but now in my second week I am embracing the granadian way of life I can manage the public transport here and also the relaxed way of living here. I can also manage to speak a little bit of Spanish and I can actually understand more than I thought I would.

Challenges Encountered

This week I found it way easier to communicate with people and even have a better understanding of the life in Granada. This week has gone by so fast and I will miss it so much when I go back home.

Self evaluation

I have challenged myself in a way that I thought I never would and I have realised that o can do anything o put my mind on it was difficult at the start when I was away from my family but them I realised this is a one in a lifetime opportunity and I will probably never get to do this again so I have embraced it with both hands and loved every bit of this fabulous adventure.


Granada is one of the most beautiful cities I have every visited from the history of the place to its very friendly people it is a place I would recommend anyone go see. There are amazing views around every corner. The people of Granada a very lucky to live in such a beautiful place. I was also very lucky to have this experience with a fabulous group from Mallow College and only for this trip I would never have got to meet so I would like to say a big thank you to mallow college and also to my erasmus.

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