Blog Entry

Diary Number: 9

Date: 22/11/2018

Daily Summary

Today when i arrived to my work placement, myself and my class mate went to our supervisor and asked could we get a picture with few of the staff members as we wanted it for ourselves and for our blogs/college. After i went to my classroom i got the children ready for the day and took off their shoes and jackets. After that i gave them the facilities that they needed and also tried to interact with the children as much as i could. Rosa arrived then and i went down to the sensory stimulation room with her. After that later i went into a different room and did sound sensory with the children and then got pictures taken with the staff members and my observer.

Learning & Positive Aspects of the Day

Sound sensory is very good for children as it calms them down and allows them to zone out from everything that is happening around them.

Challenges Encountered

No challenges encountered today.


While being with Rosa i got the chance to meet other students and learn new things like sound sensory.


Later today we had a fare well party and there we were gave a speech about our experiences and we were given certificates from our host for being part of the Erasmus+ mobility trip.

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