Diary Number: 5
Date: 16/11/18
Daily Summary
Another early start to a busy day. Got to work for 8.45, changed into my uniform and was ready to start my day.
Today was very interesting the Activities Coordinator and I was together today doing an English lesson, it was very enjoyable. I did the alphabet, numbers 1-10 & a few general phrases. I went into the garden with another lady today and we picked some fruit for the desert. When lunch was over we played a game of bingo. it was a lovely day I’m feeling more and more at ease as the days go by. We have an early start in the morning so I’m going to chill for the rest of the day.
Learning & Positive Aspects of the Day
I was pleasantly surprised with how many people who joined in for the English class. I went for a walk down several side streets I hadn’t been down before and was thrilled I did as I saw even more beautiful buildings.
Challenges Encountered
To be honest, today was an overall good day, i can’t say that I came across any challenges.
I feel I’m getting more confident in my work placement, with the language & the city every day.