Diary Number: 4
Date: 15/11/18
Daily Summary
I went to work placement today at 10am. When i arrived there i went straight down to Marife’s room. When i got there i helped take off the children’s coats and gave them the facilities that they needed. After i went into the music room and was with children ages 10-17 years. In the class i was able to interact with the children and activities we did were sensory feelings so the children were able to feel different type of textures ranging from sponges to buttons and i got speak to them. Meanwhile they were showing their love by hugging me and i was able to hug them back. After that we did dancing so i was able to push them around in the wheelchair.
Learning & Positive Aspects of the Day
From being in the music room today i have learned that the children have an understanding whats going on and i was able to find out what the children enjoy doing.
Challenges Encountered
Challenges that i encountered was not knowing at first was i able to show my care and love back to children and that the children are very intelligent weither they have certain issues.
I was more confident in talking to the children weither it little spanish or english.
What bit of culture i got see today was more buildings and monuments around granada.